Friday, September 24, 2010

The Reason.....

To Whom it May Concern:

Please excuse Gwen's absence from her blog, facebook and any other forms of communication. You see, her new Kindle arrived and she has been busy reading books, playing word games and other worthwhile activities.

Really, I LOVE my new Kindle! I ordered it and had it shipped to my friend Debbie's house in Utah. Her husband, Wade, brought it back to Saudi for me last week. (along with my blue case with light that works off the Kindle battery) I had debated for a long time about whether or not I wanted one because 1) I enjoy owning books 2) I like the way books look on the bookshelf and 3) I like the way books feel, the pages turning, the print, etc. But I finally ordered mine and I love it more than I ever thought I would! I've ordered a few books and am really enjoying reading. Starting with Catching Fire (second book in the Hunger Games series). Awesome. Next, Mockingjay (3rd in the series). Then, because Evan recommended it, The Book Thief. Also, all my scriptures, song book are on it and easily accessible. ***** (5 Stars from Gwen for her Kindle!!!) Any book suggestions??

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Other cute pics from summer.....Ok, so they're all of Piper, so what?

Ms. Piper playing with her blocks and a BlueBell bucket Piper and all her cool, big girlfriends...overstimulated but they are thrilled
Piper and Aunt Whitney
Piper playing in the Louisiana rain
She didn't want her knees to touch the sidewalk or grass
I love this one and it's not of Piper....MawMaw and Whitney
Uncle Taylor and Piper wanting to reach that fried fish
Piper tasting her first snocone with help from Aunt Whit...I'd say she liked it
The cool friends again
Playing blocks with Great Grandma
If she could just get her hands on Dre she could pull his adorable curls
Piper and PaPa chilling in the beanbag