Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What Being Too Sick for School looks like......

All you need is a little fever, a cozy blanket you quilted yourself in quilting class, an xbox, Call of Duty, a laptop to chat with friends who may or may not be at school and a few Mountain Dews.... oh yeah, and a straight chair. It wouldn't work to sit on the comfy sectional three feet behind because the connection isn't quite as good there!

I'm kidding, he really was sick. He and Whitney both came down with strep two days ago and are on antibiotics. They are on the mend. In fact, Whitney had two finals today and did not have the luxury of staying home.

5 happy thoughts:

Michelle S.J. said...

Hey I had Strep last weekend. I had zero energy for two days until the antibiotics kicked in. It must be going around.

Be A Saint said...

I hope he is feeling better. I see the fluer-d-lis I gave you on the wall. Cute!

Gayla said...

LOL - what a funny post. I've just been catching up with your adventures. Fun stuff! I love Whitney with the dark hair, can't believe how tall Evan has become and think you have a super cute granddaughter. Isn't technology awesome (skype)!?!

Unknown said...

this is the funniest picture i have ever seen...sick yeah

Lindsay and Mike said...

Oh poor kiddos! At least Evan has things to keep him busy. I remember when I was younger, staying home from school was no fun. No internet, no facebook, no xbox, no nothing. Just daytime TV. Bleh!