Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Little Differences.....

I've been thinking of a few odd things that I wanted to tell you that are different here in Saudi:

-at the grocery store on the chip aisle, all the brands-Lay's, Dorito's, etc- have a "Tomato Ketchup" flavor! I haven't bought any because, well, just yuck!

-at the beauty shop, you pay BEFORE they do your hair or nails

-if you have change coming back, they hardly ever give it to you. I mean, they give you the bills, just not the coins. BUT, sometimes they'll give you a small pack of gum instead.

-at the bank, you pull a number like at the DMV (although it doesn't take any time at all) When it's your turn, your number in neon lights up above the teller. Anyway, while you wait, a little guy in a bow tie walks around with a tea set on a tray and offers you coffee or tea in tiny porcelin cups.

I'll think of more but my mind went blank. There are so many! None of them or bad or a big deal, just so very different!


Just in case any of you want to send me some snail mail, here is our address:

Our Name
Saudi Aramco P.O. Box 1675
Dhahran 31311
Saudi Arabia
I told some of you our street address but we can't get mail here. I've already got an order in to Andrea for Tony's and Burt's Bees! So there you go, no excuses!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The injured...........

So Evan came home from school after his "Ghost Dance" preformance telling us that his wrist was hurting really bad and that he had hurt it at lunch playing basketball. I reminded him that I had seen him and talked to him during the afternoon and he hadn't mentioned it at all! Anyway, it looked really bad-swollen and bruised. We decided to let him sleep on it and see what tomorrow would bring. He was up several times during the night asking for Advil so we figured it was something..... The next morning we head down to the ER at the local hospital. We were stopped by guards at the front door telling us that Evan couldn't enter the hospital in shorts! What?? Anyway, we explained we were headed to emergency and he became more than accomodating. He actually escorted us down the hall and pointed us in the right direction. We didn't have to wait long for the x-rays or to see the doctors. There were two that saw him, a lady doctor then an orthopedist. After pushing and pulling and poking, they looked at the x-rays and confirmed that the wrist was broken.

We were sent upstairs to the "cast room" where a young male Arab nurse put on a cast. Evan was hoping for a bright orange or blue but here, white was the only option.

It felt better immediately in the cast because he couldn't move it at all. They prescribed some pain meds but we didn't give him any and he didn't need them. He missed track practice that day but went ahead and ran in a track meet two days later. Now it's just a matter of a few weeks....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ghost Dance.......

While we were in Houston doing all our orientations, they showed the kids yearbooks of the schools here. While I was browsing through some of them, I noticed the "Ghost Dance" pages. I thought it looked like so much fun. They learn this dance and preform it as they learn about the native Americans. As it turned out, Evan got here just in time for the Ghost Dance. He had to decorate the outfit and learn the dance. The day of the preformance, I called a mother of an eighth grade classmate and we went together. It was entertaining and well preformed. It wasn't until later that day, we learned that he was injured but if you notice the last picture, you'll see him holding his wrist.

It did take me a while to get all the red paint off the sides of the shower!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Our new home......

This is it! It's really a cute house. Siding with a little cement porch and a one car garage. And grass in the desert! You wouldn't believe how hard they work, moving the hoses around all day to get grass to grow- but they do! Evan snapped this shot of Whitney and I chatting with the new neighbors.
This is Brad on Christmas morning eating breakfast. We made chocolate chip pancakes and enjoyed some of the fruit basket that was left on our door by some new friends!

I really like this picture of Whitney and Evan standing at the bus stop. It's right up the road from our house.

I had to throw in this picture. It's the kids being silly posing with a sleeping Dad. The room was pitch black but somehow my camera made it look so clear.

A view out my bedroom window. A bird sitting on the wall. There are always alot of birds around. The flowering trees are so pretty.

A view of one little corner of my kitchen. Lenae, show your mom that I have her cookbook all the way in Saudi Arabia! And somebody show Kristi that I have my Scentsy burner here, too!

Our new tv which will make things alot more fun around here! Some things you just can't go too long without!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm Alive......

Hi everybody! I know it's been forever since I've updated. We just got our internet and wireless connections yesterday! For some reason, I'm having a hard time uploading pictures to blogger. I did get one on here. It's the view from my front window! I have tons of pictures of the house and kids. Maybe I can get them on later. But all is well. OH and CALL ME! My vontage phone is up and running. That means you can call my home phone number back in Sulphur and it will ring here free of charge. Just remember the nine hour time difference! More soon, I promise!