Thursday, August 20, 2009

We're back......

I've done an awful job keeping the blog updated over the summer. Hopefully now that I'm back in Saudi, I'll be able to do a better job. We had a great summer at home in Louisiana. It was extra nice being there with no job, no school, no real responsiblities. It was basically, Who are we going to play with today!? We got to spend lots of time with family and friends which was great. We flew back on August 16. We rented a car and drove to Houston and flew out about 4:00 pm. We didn't have any trouble at all. Of course, it's a looooong way, but the trip was uneventful, thank goodness. We flew into Bahrain this time. Brad had parked the car at a parking garage so it was easy just to get it and drive over the causeway back to Saudi Arabia. We stopped at McDonald's in Bahrain because the kids won't touch the airplane food. It was really nice to come into our house here and see everything just how we left it. The kids stayed up all that night and slept all the next day. I tried to sleep a little but still woke up early. Jet-lag is a very strange thing. Brad had to get up first thing in the morning and be at work so he didn't have any options! I got busy unpacking all the stuff we brought back and washing clothes. My friend Donna dropped by and it was great to see her again after all this time. When the kids finally woke up, they got together with some friends and hung out. Of course we've already eaten our schwarmas and stir-fry that they sell by the pool every week-end! School starts Saturday for Whitney so that will give us more of a routine. I think Evan starts a week from Saturday. Sometime Wednesday, Evan and I both came down with a summer cold. We feel bad but hopefully they won't last long! Picked up our dog, Chelsea from the kennel Wednesday. She acted pretty mad at us for a few hours, pouting and laying by the wall. We aren't sure if she's mad or if she really misses the little guys that took care of her at the kennel. She probably got way more attention there than she does at home. She got back to her old self by that evening. I'm planning to do alot of organizing this coming week. Also, going to get back in the habit of going to the gym everyday. Walking on my favorite walking track is out of the question until it cools off a little! We'll miss all our Louisiana people that we love! Don't forget to call.....

3 happy thoughts:

Lindsay and Mike said...

Glad you had a good summer & that you had a safe trip by to Saudi!

Lindsay and Mike said...

Sorry, that should have said "BACK to Saudi."

Vicki's Vicissitudes said...

Well the camera is AWESOME! And it was great seeing you over the summer. It really did feel like you never left. Let's make a lost weight and I will too. Maybe we can motivate each other some way.