Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Brace-Face No More.........

Whitney got her braces off! Her teeth are beautiful. That's three down and one brace-face to go! Evan's have only been on a few months. We've had kids in braces since 1999. That means a payment to Dr. Paul Perry every month for the past nine years...... I can't let my mind go to what else I could have done with that money. I honestly DO think it's worth it even though I complain about it.

Whitney and Evan before one of his games.
Whitney and Mary Catherine showing off their "new" teeth. MC got hers off recently, too.
Another random self-shot of Whitney

One more shot of the new smile....

I remember how weird it feels to get your braces off! Whitney, enjoy your popcorn, Starbursts, Jolly Ranchers..........................................not that you ever really stopped eating that stuff!

7 happy thoughts:

Vicki's Vicissitudes said...

Beautiful girl...with a wonderful smile. What is better than the smile, is the sweet heart inside.

Sharon said...

Hooray for no more braces! It's such a wonderful feeling! :)

Lindsay and Mike said...

BEAUTIFUL smile!!!

Ivy said...


Susan said...

Looking good!! I know she must be tickled! ;)

Jen said...

Some advice, if they gave you a retainer...all I can say is wear it! I wasn't disciplined enough to wear mine when I got my braces off(I was in eighth grade) and 10 years later, my teeth are crooked.

Cathleen said...

Oh the angst of the orthodontist payments! We have only been at it since 2004. Two are out of braces, one is in braces currently, and two others are some stage of orthodontic treatment. I think I'll be paying our doctor the rest of my life. Even though it is just teeth, it seems kind of silly....but whenever I see their beautiful, perfect smiles...it all seems worth it. And looking at your daughter's smile...I would say it was worth it too!